Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is closed.

Submit your abstract of your work and present your research during IMAMPC'2024 in Warsaw

Follow the information on this page to submit your contribution

Important dates

The abstract submission system will open on 20 February 2024.
The last day to submit your abstract to be considered for oral presentation is 7 April 2024.
We plan to inform you about the results of the evaluation by mid April 2024.
The last day to submit your abstract to be considered for poster presentation is 20 June 2024.

Abstracts submitted after 20 June 2024 will not be evaluated.

What will you need to submit?

  • Title
  • Author(s) information
  • Indicate the presenting author
  • 500 characters abstract for technical review (no figure)
  • One A4 page submission for review and for publication on the conference webpage, prepared as a PDF that includes:
    • Title
    • Authors and their affiliations
    • Contact email
    • Supplemental information:
      • Description of purpose
      • Method(s)
      • Results
      • New or breakthrough work to be presented
      • Conclusions
      • Supporting images/tables/figures

Abstracts templates files:

How to submit?

  • Prepare your submission following the guidelines stated in the previous section
  • You may submit more than one abstract, but submit each abstract only once
  • Submit your abstract using the form available here
  • If you want to update the abstract or correct it – please upload it again. We will use the latest submission.
  • Please note, that one person can present only one poster and/one oral presentation during the conference.

I have a question - whom can I ask

In case of any questions related to IMAMPC'2024 you can always contact organisers by sending email to: